
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A little child


A little child entered a masjid in paris,he went to the imam and told him..

little boy: sir, my mom sent me here so that i can study in your school.

Imam: but where is your mother?

little boy: she is standing in front of the masjid door, sir.
Imam: she is a non-muslim.
the imam went to her asking her why she, as a non muslim woman, wants her little child to study in an islamic school.. 
Mother: my neighbor is a muslim woman. every time she takes her children to the school, they kiss her hands before going. they treat her like a queen. her family is always happy. i’ve never seen a muslim taking his parents in the house care in this country! plz, teach my child in your school so that he treats me as muslim children treat their parents. subhannallah!!



  1. nmpk nyer non muslim ni mmg selalu perhatikan gerak geri kita..mudah2an terbuka hati mereka utk memeluk islam

  2. non muslim dpt melihat kelebihan dan kekuatan agama Islam itu sendiri.. tp org Islam semakin galak mengikut gaya org non muslim... sptnya org Islam sendiri tak berbangga dgn agama yg mereka anuti..

  3. Salam Kak..

    Pernah dengar cerita nie kak..tapi tak pasti sumbernya..Rasanya memang dari kisah benar..Allahuakbar..Lynn pernah ditegur oleh seorang Cikgu India ketika lynn mengajar di SMK Teluk Gadung.Katanya dia suka cara org melayu ajar anak..tak mengamuk..huhuhu..

  4. Possibility for her to convert Islam is high when the 'nur' seem almost reaching to her heart Nor..

    Great Allah who knows one day the children will bring her along and together learn Islam...

  5. Perkongsian yang baik. Saya share kat blog myanak2ku. ok. TQ!

  6. mudahan ada sinar islam untuk mereka.sekeluarga nanti

  7. hebatnya ajaran Islam kalo diamal kan selalu

    ps: igt sape la k.nor hihi

  8. non muslim pun mahu yg terbaik. kite yg islam ni patut syukur nikmat islam.


Terima kasih banyak-banyak kesudian anda datang ke sini,saya amat menghargainya.